moved in!

So…the senior year begins! I have my stuff moved in. Note I say moved in–not necessarily in my room or unpacked, but it’s in the house!! Jess and I have been very busy building furniture. I might never buy furniture that needs assembly again (unless Jess is around–she’s pretty handy!). We also took a trip Friday to GET the furniture, have lunch with Aunt Claire and Lauren, and then to the airport to SUPRISE DANIELLE!! The surprise was so much fun! Her face was priceless. It was so worth it! I wouldn’t have missed it for the world! Well, unless the storm had become a hurricane. Then that probably would have been a problem.

Anywho, we get back from ATL and start unpacking the boxes (we had no where to store our clothes until we assembled dressers so we hoped to it). We got three dressers, 2 boxes each dresser. One of the boxes for one of the dressers is BROWN. The dressers are supposed to be WHITE. It was on the shelf with the white. The brown was 3 aisles over. Oh well. I guess that’s what happens when you move. Nothing happens according to plan. ha. Luckily our advisor is driving to ATL tomorrow so she’ll be able to exchange it for us! I also ordered desks today AND our wardrobe closets are at the house. Awaiting assembly. All 120 pounds each. Good gracious. I think I might become a furniture builder when I grow up….NOT.

Anywho, I’m babysitting now 🙂 Having fun with the boys as they race mario kart. Then going back to BUILD BUILD BUILD!! I’ll post pics as soon as we get internet at the house (hopefully Monday).

Love to all.

3 thoughts on “moved in!

  1. did you know that i love you a lot? lots and lots?? and miss yoU! and that surprise was really in top life moments ever…so good. and simply shocking. 🙂 see you SOON!


  2. Love you babe! Great postings. Hope your fam made it through the storm with little if any damage. Enjoy your last year as an undergrad! Miss you bunches!


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